Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Takeshi Obata's comic

Besides write comics death note, he also wrote the comic Blue Dragon Ral Grad.

I will tell you the story about Blue Dragon Ral Grad.
Well ,in a world where evil creatures named shadows enter our world through their namesakes small safe. However, when a young boy named Ral became friends with the shadowinside him, he might be the last hope in saving the world. Ral lives on the island Sphaein,the Kingdom Sphaelite. There he had been registered to protect the kingdom from evilshadows that wish to destroy it. With the help of his shadow, a large blue dragon namedGrad, and his teacher, Mio, Ral can take any challenger.

That’s the synopsis of Blue Dragon Ral Grad. Well now I will tell you about the characters of Blue Dragon Ral Grad.

Let’s start with the Main characters:
1. Ral (ラル Raru)
Ral is the main character, a 15 year old boy who shares a symbiotic relationship with a shadow named Grad. His mother died shortly after his birth. Upon his discovery, still an infant child, he began screaming at his saviors in very well constructed phrases. From there, a large shadow in the shape of a blue dragon emerged from his body. The shadow destroyed his village and burned all the mountains in sight, even melting the stone. Lord Roy, Ral's father, sealed Ral in a prison of complete darkness for 15 years because his late father told Roy that shadows cannot have a shape in complete darkness. During this time, Ral became friends with the shadow named Grad and his educator, Mio. His imprisonment was ended abruptly when the kingdom was attacked by a large number of shadow. Lord Roy gave the order to free Ral, after Mio stated he had control over his shadow. It doesn't take long before Ral summons Grad to the battle and easily defeats the shadow horde. Ral, like Grad, can breathe fire, form wings and claws that look identical to Grad's and use his dragon mane as a weapon. Despite his childish and immature demeanor, Ral is actually a brilliant strategist, using his high intelligence in multiple battles throughout the series.
Ral loves women and will do anything for them. His main goal is to protect all the beautiful women of the world. Ral also has a fondness for breasts, constantly trying to fondle them. Upon meeting Kafka he introduces himself as "Ral the Breast Groper". This sudden announcement of his favorite habit gets him labelled as immoral, though he truly isn't. Despite his immoral habit he has a pure heart where he sees the reason men fight shadows "to protect their beloved women", and loves the vibrant beauty of the world.

Grad (グラド Gurado)
The Délire Monstre; Grado is the Blue Dragon Shadow revered and feared for its Flamme Bleue. Knowing nothing of the human world, Grad entered Ral's shadow when he was still a baby, hearing how young humans made excellent hosts. This was in preparation for his quest to kill the Queen of Darkness, Bira, for trespassing onto the human realm and subjugating his fellow Shadow to her desires only, and ruining his home, Le Noir. Grad believes that humans are much smarter than shadows, so he allows Ral to make all of the decisions (except for once) while he gives Ral his flesh and blood. Once Le Noir was restored, Grad returned to his home along with Ral due to unique circumstances.
Grad enjoys to quiz Ral by stating the description of a creature and asking what it is, although the answer is always "shadow" because he knows nothing of the world of light.

2. Mio (ミォ Mio)
Ral's teacher, Mio, is a sexy and well-educated woman of Sphaelite. She is the one responsible convincing Ral to fight the shadows, and continues to make him focus on his goal. One motivational tactic she uses to get him to do the job initially was to offer Ral her breasts to grope ("tit for tat" is what she calls this method).

3.Aia (アイア Aia)
A host to a shadow of the first form. Seems she repeats everything twice. She was also sealed away like Ral and is thirteen years old. Ral accepts her immediately without seeing her shadow's powers because she looks so cute.

Quru Quru (クルクル Kuru Kuru)
Aia's chameleon-like shadow partner. He can stretch his shadow up to sixty "machirs" and doesn't make a sound when he walks. His power allows him to hear anything within thirty machirs of his position. Aia also claims he likes it when she pulls his tongue.

4.Kafka (カフカ Kafuka)
Kafka of the Chain of Roses, (also known as Kafka la Chaîne Lord (シェンネロド Shennerodo), is a very chivalrous knight of Stola Castle. To defend the honor of his beloved Queen, and to stop Ral from Groping her breasts, Kafka even went so far as to duel Ral. When she announced the duel, she said the winner can do to her chest as he pleases. Later, Ral convinces him to accompany his troupe. Suffers badly when sea sick.

Riz (リズ Rizu)
A Chaîne Lord Shadow; Riz is Kafka's partner shadow whom possesses amazing defensive capabilities, able to use its thorny roots to strangle its enemies. Riz eventually grew stronger after absorbing Buffle, the Water Beast. By doing so, he has the ability to create blades of water to flick at the opponent.

Sunsu is a local boy from the city of Lulira. His sister was lost to the shadows, and because Ganette did not try to save her, he has an immense hatred for him. After confronting and being knocked out by Ganette, he tries desperately to find a shadow. After confessing his admiration for Kafka, he is told that he cannot be his student without a shadow. Running from the building and out into the outer walls of Lulira, he proclaims for a shadow to take hold of him. He comes back the next morning with Gensui.

Sunsu's shadow,Gensui, is a tiny bug like creature that can skip over water, and allow Sunsu to breathe under water for long periods of time as long as it stays above the surface. It got larger by eating shadows killed by Ganette, because Ral told him to become stronger. It also gained poisonous fangs from the cobra that attacked Ral along, with other powers.

A skilled yet easygoing swordsman. His two traveling companions are young women, named Leela and Senole, equipped with shadows of their own, Blatz (a bat) and Meesh (a cat). And he also seems to speak Spanish from time to time, as when he kills a shadow "Adios" and "tardes". And seems to be able to kill shadows with just his strength alone.

Galette's shadow and one of the 5 that can exist in the friends form. Gaira is a huge white tiger who took Ganette as its host because he was the strongest swordsman, and Gaira wanted his help to defeat Bira and return to Nior. Gaira planned to eat Ganette and switch hosts if he ever became weak.

A young emotionless girl who is under the control of Lady Bira, she was given the shadow of the phoenix at a young age, in order to have her "ripen" for Lady Bira's use, and now is used to guard the female prisoners. It turns out that she isn't emotionless on her own accord, which is Cory's doing as she reverts back into her true nature (a scared girl) when Cory is incapacitated or decapitated and has to relinquish emotional control of Yaya to reform himself.

Yaya's shadow and one of the 5 that can exist in the friends form. Cory is a huge phoenix who was place in Yaya by Lady Bira. known as the immortal one Cory can not die even while in the world of light and is powerful enough to hold back Grad (dragon) and Gaira (tiger) using its healing bood as well powerful wings. But it admitted defeat when it saw the true human heart shown by Ral in the battle of each other.

9. Lady Bira (ビラ様 Bira-sama)
Lady Bira, the queen of darkness also known as Queen Opsquria (オプスキュリア Opusukyuria), rules the shadows from the castle Jugil, inside the kingdom of Kabil. Only the queen can give birth to new shadows. Bira and her lust for beauty are the reason why the shadows entered the human world. She collects and possesses beautiful girls, sucking their soul orbs from them and turning them into cripples and invalids. The shadows in her court wish for everything from her hair to her saliva in order to become stronger. As soon as she is satisfied with how much beauty she has gained and produced a successor with her favorite male shadow she plans on annihilating all human beings. She is one of the 5 prime shadows, along with Cory, Grad and Gaira, that is, the Clear Human. Her most terrifying ability is to instantly disintegrate a shadow merely by glancing at it a technique called the eye of sorrow, but had no effect on Grad, which had fused with Ral, which proceeded to blast her back to oblivion with the powerful Flamme Bleue.
Her name may come from an African legend, where an evil queen named Bira. She used to demand the most beautiful virgin in sacrifices, which matches pretty well with the character of the manga.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Character of Death Note Part 3

Other Sinigami

Rem is the female shinigami who gave Misa the Death Note. She cares very much for Misa and is willing to do anything to protect her from harm. Light uses this as an advantage in his master plan.

Gelus is a shinigami mentioned in a flashback by Rem. He fell in love with a human girl (Misa) and saved her from getting killed by a crazed stalker by writing down the name of the killer in his Death Note, thus killing him before he killed her. Since Gelus was in love with Misa and shinigami only exist to shorten life, not extend it, he died and turned to dust.

Sidoh is a shinigami whose Death Note was stolen by Ryuk and given to Light. He neglects to kill people and extend his lifetime, and it's only when the end of his lifetime approaches when he notices that his Death Note was stolen. However, the Death Note changed hands quite a bit, and Shidoh uses Light to find the Death Note for him, which is then in Mello's gang's possession. He is not particularly bright and is easily persuaded to help Mello's gang in exchange for the Death Note.

Minor Characters

The Yotsuba Group is a group of eight members in the Yotsuba Corporation. When they find out that "Kira" is among the eight of them, they conduct weekly secret meetings where they discussed who they will kill with the notebook. Before Light gave up ownership of the notebook, he gave Rem instructions to give the notebook to someone who will use it for selfish purposes. Rem chose Kyosuke Higuchi, and he not only killed criminals in order to give the illusion that Kira was still active but also helped his company gain record profits by killing for financial gain.

Naomi Misora (a.k.a. Shoko Maki) is Ray Penber’s fiancée who decides to search for Penber’s killer. She is also a former FBI agent who quit after agreeing to marry Penber. She suspects that Kira is among the people that Ray investigated and deduces that Kira can kill in ways other than a heart attack. An alarmed Light manages to make her commit suicide through the Death Note in order to prevent her from talking to L.

Ray Penber is one of 12 FBI agents who is sent to Japan to track down Kira. Penber is threatened by Kira, who is really Light, to obtain the identity of the other 11 FBI agents and kill them by inadvertently writing their names in a piece of the Death Note. Shortly afterward, Light kills him by making him have a heart attack in the middle of a subway station.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Character of Death Note Part 2

Teru Mikami is a fanatical follower of Kira’s Kingdom who is chosen by Light to be the owner of Misa’s Death Note after it becomes too dangerous for Misa to have it. He is first introduced in Volume ten, chapter 81 as an obsessive adherent of Kira, believing him to be a god sent to dispense justice on earth.

Mikami was a sensitive young boy with deep sense of justice who was incessantly beaten by bullies. He grows up believing that those who are evil should be "deleted" from this world. He is highly intelligent and works as a prosecuting attorney. Even though he appears calm and stoic, Mikami shows his psychological imbalance when he fervently writes in the Death Note while muttering to himself "delete."

At first, Light is alarmed at how Mikami seems to take his own initiative without Kira’s consent. However, Mikami decides to communicate to Kira through Sakura TV showing his absolute loyalty to him. Then, Light uses anchorwoman Kiyomi Takada to give orders to Mikami.

Kiyomi Takada is a successful anchorwoman of NHN whom Light seduces in order to use her as an intermediary between him and Mikami. She is briefly introduced in Volume two Chapter 31 as Light’s “girlfriend” and described as a popular, proud beauty who often plays hard to get. She then reappears as the NHN anchorwoman in Volume ten Chapter 85 who is chosen by Mikada to be Kira's spokesperson.

Astonished by the coincidence that Mikada chose his ex-girlfriend, Light takes advantage of this situation. He seduces Mikada, reveals to her that he is Kira and promises to her that he will make her his goddess when he rules the world as a god. Light gives Mikami orders through messages that he gives to Takada. In addition, he manipulates Takada to do whatever he pleases.

Investigation Team

Soichiro Yagami is Light Yagami's father and the detective superintendent of the Japanese National Police Agency. He is also the leader of the small group of investigators who are working on the Kira case under L's command. Light Yagami uses his computer to research the criminals that he will kill and to spy on what the NPA actually knows about Kira. Even though his demanding job keeps him from home, he is dedicated to his son, Light. Throughout the series, he never once believes that his son is Kira, even when L insists. He voluntarily places himself under L's arrest until Light is proven innocent.

Tota Matsudais a naive and somewhat excitable member of the investigation team. He often does bold things and says things without thinking (often asking if what Kira is doing is a good thing). He serves as a comic relief sometimes and often expresses that he genuinely likes Misa and Light. Like Soichiro, he refuses to believe that Light is Kira and is quickly convinced that he is innocent.

Kanzo Mogiis a member of the investigation team. He is often silent and not much is known about him. When he is tricked by Mello to be questioned by Near, Mogi shows his loyalty to Light and the rest of the NPA by not speaking. However, he is one of the first of the investigators to suspect that Light may be Kira.

Shuichi Aizawa is a member of the investigation team. He quits the team and remains in the police force after protesting L's methods. However, he continues to help the team as a police officer. Upon L's death, he returns to the investigation team and works under Light. However, he begins to grow increasingly suspicious of Light. He contacts Near and tells him of his suspicions.

Watari (a.k.a. Quillsh Wammy) is, at first, shown as a mysterious shadowed figure in coat who personally sets up the meetings between L and his clients. However, he is soon revealed as an aging man who is L's assistant, often providing logistics to the investigation team and back-up as a sharpshooter.
He was originally, however, an inventor who established an orphanage in England called Wammy's House for exceptionally gifted children like Mello and Near.

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

How to Use Death Note part 3

Happy reading... =D

19. The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.

20. The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death, either. So, you must examine and find out.

21. One page taken from the Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note.

22. The instrument to write with can be anything, ( e.g. cosmetics, blood, etc.) as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters.

23. Even the original owners of the Death Note, gods of death, do not know much about the note.

24. You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individuals. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calender0 in order to fill in a name.

25. Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.

26. The Death Note will not affect those under 780 days old.

27. The Death Note will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times.

28. "Suicide" is a valid cause of death. Basically, all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide, it is, therefore, not something "unbelievable to think of".

29. Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.

And that's all about how to use death note... I'll comeback with the others informasion about death note...
Bye...Bye... See u next week... :P