Senin, 06 Februari 2012

The Importance of Reading

I think reading is important. Because by reading we can expand our knowledge. Not only that, by reading we can also find things that are being discussed by the people. Moreover there are several reasons why reading is important.

First, reading is an active mental process. Why is called a mental process in aktif? This is because when we read we unconsciously been forced to think about new things. At the moment we thought a gray cells of our brain will work and it will make us getting smarter. Do not like sit quietly in front of the TV or Playstation, it will make us idiots.

Second,by reading our vocabulary will grow. When you read a certain literature in the text right there are words you don't know, by reading you can interpret it by yourself by looking at the context of the sentence. So you will get new words. Imagine that if the day you have found five new words a day, there are 150 new words that you can in a month.

Third, reading can improve concentration and focus. When you read the book you need a lot of concentration and focus to be able to understand the content of the text. And if this is routinely done, it will train your brain to concentrate and focus.

Fourth, by reading can building confidence. When you read you would get new insights and if you are often read so your horizons will more and more. By having extensive knowledge,it will make you believed yourself because other people who have less insight than you would ask of you. And it can creates a sense of proud in yourself.

Fifth, by read can improve the memory. Have been proved by experts that,if you do not use your memory, so you will lose it. When you read unconsciously that what you read is actually related to each other and by reading we need a details of memory about something and it can train our brains to use the existing memory.

With all the above facts, we can draw the conclusion that reading is very important for our own survival. And should be part of our habits.

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